发布时间:2017年09月22日 点击率:
Daewha Kang设计完成韩国彩虹出版总部
Daewha Kang design completes rainbow publishing headquarters in korea
最近伦敦的Daewh Kang设计公司,在韩国的Paju书城完成了一座混合功能的建筑。简单的石块和玻璃创造出大胆的视觉效果,其纯净的线条和丰富的质感,让建筑从周边环境中突显出来。这里是出版社的故乡,意在讲述20世纪韩国无名英雄的故事,这座建筑的主要特色在于其百年的老楼梯,这是一个环绕着书架的玻璃结构。
London-based daewha kang design has recently completed a mixed-use building in paju book city, south korea. Tthe simple block of stone and glass creates a bold visual statement with its pure lines and rich texture, standing out from the eclectic surrounding buildings. As the home of a publishing house intent on telling the stories of the unsung people of twentieth century korea, the building’s key feature is the hundred-year old staircase, a glazed structure wrapping around a bookcase with one shelf for every year of the last century.
这座建筑的特点是体积小,造型朴素/the building is characterized by simple volumes and austere lines. all photographs © kyungsub shin
Daewha Kang设计的彩虹出版总部的功能很明确,其中有设在一楼的画廊,中间楼层的办公空间和顶楼的住宅。项目的挑战是在有限的方式下产生巨大的影响,建筑师通过简化体块,重点营造主要楼梯四层高的空间感,从而创造具有纪念性和力量感的氛围。同时,纹理和韵律的微妙使用为整座建筑增添了丰富的层次,同时也让空间看上去更加严谨。“出版商希望创造出具有纪念意义的空间,这些都是经历过二十世纪那段特殊时期的普通韩国人,他们经历了从贫穷到富有的全过程。他们的信念是,虽然个人的生活非常渺小,但聚集在一起时,那便是如彩虹版灿烂的过往。”工作室负责人解释说。
The rainbow publishing headquarters by daewha kang design features a gallery on the ground floor, office spaces on the middle levels, and a residence on the top floor. The challenge of the project was to create a dramatic impact within limited means; simplifying the volume and focusing on the quadruple height space of the main circulation stair thus creates a sense of monumentality and strength. At the same time, subtle use of texture and rhythm adds layers of richness and meaning to otherwise austere forms. ‘The vision of the publishers is to produce small print run biographies of ordinary koreans who lived through the extraordinary times of the twentieth century, building up a country from one of the poorest in the world to a globally successful economy. Their belief is that while the individual lives might be only small sparks of light, when collected and seen together they might come together into a beautiful rainbow,’ explains the studio.
爬楼梯时,蜿蜒穿过国家和人民的历史/climbing the stairs, one meanders through the history of the country and its people
As for the staircase, it winds its way around one hundred levels of shelves, rising through the years from 1918 to 2017. As the publishers release each book, they will put the new biographies on the shelves corresponding to the years when their subjects were born. In this way, the journey through the building becomes one through the history of the country and its people. The stair is generated through a simple genetic algorithm that grows from the base to the top, branching out horizontally while reserving space for books for every year. The exterior façade has a similar logic of sedimentary growth, with volcanic stone bricks cut at three different depths, creating layers that echo the interior. Recent academic research has linked stair climbing with longer life; people climbing five flights a day have been found to live 18% longer – making the staircase the most attractive space in the building. This encourages the family to take the stairs to the top floor rather than the lift.
An interactive application at the top of the stairs allows the four family members to tap in each time they reach the top of the headquarters. This helps record their total progress over the month and encourages them to compete against one another. As the years go by, the data collected from this application will form another layer of living history captured within the building.
门厅的入口能够瞥见书柜和楼梯/the entrance lobby opens to a glimpse of the bookcase and the stairs
In the end, the aim was to create a timeless building, and the simple materials of hyeon-mu-am volcanic stone, clear glass, and steel were selected for their durability and variegated textures. Although having simple volumetrics, the building’s siting and orientation respond to a rigorous analysis of the local climate. The long façade faces southeast, towards the best views and abundant but less oppressive light. The hundred-year stair faces to the southwest, giving good views to the wetlands and the rest of the book city through a gap in the urban fabric. The long façade also absorbs the winter sun, radiating heat to the garden while blocking the northerly winter wind. Finally, small windows on the north facade minimise heat loss while maintaining cross-ventilation.
遗传算法确定书架的模式,为建筑带来秩序感和组织性/a genetic algorithm determined the pattern of the bookshelves, balancing a sense of order and organicity
当一个人爬楼梯时,可以看到山与城开阔的景色/dramatic views of mountains and city open up as one climbs the stairs
这幢大楼可以追踪住在顶层住宅的四户人家/the building tracks the family of four living in the top floor residence
每个架子对应1918年到2017年的大事记/each shelf corresponds to one year from 1918 to 2017
这座建筑向东南开放,光线充足/the building is open to the southeast and full of light
这座建筑至今成为坡州图书城不朽的丰碑,地点临近朝鲜边界/the building stands monumental and yet contextual within paju book city, near the border with north korea
砖砌的火山石唤起了历史的层次和建筑中普遍存在的时间主题/the brick-cut volcanic stone evokes layers of history and the theme of time prevalent in the building
每本书都放在与发行年份相对应的架子上/each book is placed on the shelf corresponding to the year of their birth
设计事务所:Daewha Kang
设计团队:daewha kang monika byra weronika widenska paulina pawlata lawrence lynch monika bilska
当地建筑师:lee & lee
承包商: l’espace
可持续发展顾问: Younha Rhee
客户:Hee-jung Kim ,彩虹出版社
特别感谢:seo je-sung,cooperative of paju book city park byeong-sun, the kujo structures
project info:
name: rainbow building
programme: offices, gallery, residence
location: 230-1 block, seopae-dong 472, paju city, korea
status: complete
year: 2017
design architect: Daewha Kang
design team: daewha kang monika byra weronika widenska paulina pawlata lawrence lynch monika bilska
local architect: lee & lee
contractor: l’espace
sustainability consultant: younha rhee
client: hee-jung kim, rainbow publishers
special thanks: seo je-sung, cooperative of paju book city park byeong-sun, the kujo structures
site area: 700 sqm
building area: 165 sqm
gross floor area: 660 sqm